Please provide a budget summary in text form describing how you will use the funds and why they will benefit you individually.
You must also provide at least one expense in the Research Expense chart. Funds should be used to support the undergraduate research project or creative endeavor or provide you with support to complete the opportunity. Write a detailed description of the expenses to be covered in the budget area. Make sure to include the item and any associated breakdown in cost (e.g., Thermo Fisher GeneJET Plasmid Miniprep Kit, 270.65, x2 = 541.30; Gift cards for participant incentives, $10ea, 30 participants x 10 = $300). Writing "miscellaneous supplies" or "chemicals" is NOT sufficient. While prices may vary from what you indicate now vs. when they are bought, be as accurate as possible in the budget area. Funding can be used for materials/supplies, participant incentives, travel to/from a space needed to complete the research project or creative endeavor (UAlbany to/from site, not from your home), space rentals for a project, fees for access to platforms/software to complete the project/endeavor, tuition, etc.
Please note: awards cannot be used for current semester tuition/fees. If selected as a recipient the award may be applied to a future undergraduate semester student account. Funds cannot be applied to graduate school expenses at the University at Albany.
Applicants must be aware that awards will not be distributed until December 2024. The information you provide below will be used by the committee to make a final decision on your application and determine the amount of the award distributed to selected recipients.
All expenses are the responsibility of the student to incur. The Minerva Center for High Impact Learning will not make any purchases, reservations, etc. on your behalf. The award will be distributed as a check or may be applied to a future semester undergraduate tuition bill.
Expenses must be for direct support to the student ONLY. Funds need to be clearly defined for expenses for the student applicant. If selected as a recipient of funding, students are to use the funds for their expenses related to their role and funds should not be used to cover general laboratory purchases.
Expenses must go towards the project during the funded semester. That is, you should not plan to pay for something bought during the semester of application. You also should not "save" money; that is, awarded funds for Spring 2025 should be used for the project during the Spring 2025 semester.